Contact She Votes
Let’s band together to put gender policies at the forefront of political action.
Louise Rose
Founder & Spokesperson
Louise has always had a passion for equality, human rights and in particularly gender equality. Her perspective has been shaped by diverse experiences from working in anti-human trafficking in Cambodia to an Investment Bank in London. Watching the media over the past 18 months she felt that women’s rights in Australia and globally, fit the adage “If you’re not moving forward, you’re going backwards”. She decided to try to do something about it.
Louise has over ten years’ experience in transformational change. Through this experience she has learnt that change can take many paths to reach a positive outcome, but it does require leadership commitment and appropriate funding. Louise hopes in some small way She Votes can help drive targeted commitment and funding. In her spare time, you will find Louise at the beach with her husband and two young daughters.